USER INTERFACE:- A place/platform that allows users to communicate with the computer.
NOTE:- Below are the 2 types of user Interface;
- Command Line Interface
- Graphical User Interface
NOTE: - CLI is used by programmers, analysts, or technicians (somebody who needs to have direct communication/contact with a computer to develop new software).
- A user needs to learn commands to carry out the basic operations.
- A user is in direct communication with the computer.
- It's very slow to finish a task (Its full of commands)
- A user is in direct communication with the computer. ( This is good for IT technicians and system administrators when troubleshooting computer problems)
- It doesn't take much space on RAM and Storage devices. The file sizes are in Kb (kilobyte)
- A user needs to learn commands to carry out basic operations.
- It's a very slow process to run a sequence of events.
GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI):- A type of user interface where a user interacts with the computer by using graphs (pictures and icons) instead of using commands.
NOTE: Graphical User Interface uses WIMP (Windows Icons Menu and Pointing devices) which were developed for use on personal computers. A mouse is used to control a cursor and icons are selected to open/run windows.
- A user doesn’t need to learn any commands.
- A pointing device such as a mouse is used to launch applications.
- Pictures and Icons are used instead of using commands.
- A computer requires more RAM and storage space to support pictures which takes up more space.
- A user is not in direct communication with the computer.